Parks and Recreation Meeting Minutes of May 24, 2010
Committee Members: Lauren McMullen (LM), Billie Luker (BL), Mike Fitzpatrick (MF), Sergio Coviello (SC), Rita Mullin (RM)
Staff: Sheila Sturdevant (SS), Marty Tilton (MT), Lynne Clemens (LC), Maureen Stevens (MS)
Absent: none
7:08pm Quorum, meeting called to order Lauren McMullen
Audience of Citizens: Patricia Fillmore, Jacqui Vadaro
Acceptance of Minutes: 5/10/10
(RM) Rita Mullin made a motion to accept the minutes from the meeting on May 10, 2010 as is.
(MF) Mike Fitzpatrick seconds the motion
No Discussion was had.
Approved: 5 Opposed: 0 Abstained: 0
Motion passed
New Business
Audience of Citizen
Lauren introduced Patricia Fillmore to the committee stating that Patricia has an interest in joining the Parks & Recreation Committee. Committee and staff introduced themselves.
Town meeting/Games (LM)
Lauren informed the Committee that Selectman Prisco would like to ask the leagues to not practice on nights of town meetings so that everyone could attend. The consensus of the committee is to not use the departments email blast and to ask the league to not practice on town meeting nights.
Lauren asked that we put on the January 2011 agenda to write a letter to suggest to the leagues if they could be cautious of scheduling practices on Town meeting dates.
Grant Workshop (SS)
Sheila explained the process to PARC Grant. The committee approved extra hours for Sheila and Maria to work on Grant.
Old Business
Operations Director (MS)
• Town Meeting Reminder
Maureen made a general announcement reminding everyone about town meeting.
• Finance Update
Maureen asked if anyone had any question regarding the financials she passed out at last meeting,
did a quick review.
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• Craft Fair update
Maureen summarized the Craft Fair Event for all and reported that P&R made a $600 profit.
Parks Director (MT)
• Turf Field Advertising
The discussions on the advertising will be going to the athletic sub committee for review. Billie Luker and Marty will be joining Rita Mullin on the sub committee.
• IRP Bathrooms
Marty reported that the bathrooms should be delivered in late June.
• Clark Park Vandalism
Reported vandalism at Clarke Park, Marty went to police and they told him to send a certified letter regarding the vandalism and no trespassing. Lauren would like for herself and Marty to have a meeting with Chief of Police to go over police support for the parks. Lauren said she will contact Chief Nolan.
Athletic Sub Committee-(LM)
Lauren suggested that Billie Luker be on the Athletic Sub committee. Rita is currently on the committee. Rita will ask if there can be two members from P&R on the committee.
Other Business
Pavilion Site (LM)
Lauren informed the committee that P&R, LUC will be getting together for a site visit to decide where the Pavilion site should be with in the park. Rita will get a couple of dates from LUC and get back to P&R with them.
LUC Business (RM)
Rita asked that LUC be placed on the agenda for each P&R meeting so that she can let us know if there are any updates.
IRP Bathroom Final Billing (SC)
Sergio gave Maureen the final bill for the bathroom plans and work done by O’Neill Associates. Maureen said they had been paid up to date and she will give Rita a copy to give to LUC.
Sheila updated everyone regarding the Friends of North Reading Parks & Recreation Committee, Inc.
Concession Stand at the Turf Field (RM)
Rita asked the committee and staff if they were interested in running the concession stand at the Turf Field during events that do not belong to the school or the leagues. She feels that there is opportunity for us to run a concession stand during rentals and special events. Rita also informed the committee that the concession stand at the Turf field needs updating and small repairs and would like to purchase some plywood in order to do so.
(SC) Sergio Coviello made a motion to fund $600 from the revolving budget for the purchase of plywood for repairs at the concession stand at the Turf Field.
(BL) Billie Luker seconds the motion.
Approved: 5 Opposed: 0 Abstained: 0
Next Meeting Dates-(SS)
Town Meeting- June 7th, 2010
Parks & Recreation- May 24th, June 14th and June 28th all in Room 5 at Town Hall.
FONRPRC- June 2nd meeting cancelled and rescheduled for May 24th from 6-7pm in room 5, Town Hall
(RM) a motion was made by Rita Mullin for the meeting to adjourn to adjourn at 8:25pm.
(MF) Mike Fitzpatrick seconds the motion
Accepted: 5 Opposed: 0 Abstained: 0 Motion passed.